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The purpose of the journal is to inform scientists, healthcare managers, medical practitioners about the real application possibilities and the effectiveness of various information and communication systems in medicine.

The scientific specialization of the journal is health, telemedicine, medical informatics and cybernetics, mobile health, healthcare organization, distance learning, medical insurance telematics, medical equipment, biomedical engineering, bioinformatics.

The audience of the journal consists of doctors of all specialties, chief doctors of healthcare facilities, heads of IT departments of healthcare facilities, engineers and developers of medical equipment, managers and employees of information and analytical centers.

The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Сommunications, Information Technology and Mass Media, certificate PI No. FS 77-68781 dated 17.02.2017.

  • ISSN print 2712-9217
  • ISSN online 2712-9225


  • Editorial word
  • Original research
  • Practicing physician
  • Lectures
  • Reviews and discussions
  • Practical notes
  • Reviews
  • Memorable dates
  • History essays
  • Conference materials
  • E-education

Subject and specialization:

  • e-health
  • telemedicine
  • medical informatics and cybernetics
  • mobile health
  • healthcare organization
  • distance learning
  • insurance medical telematics
  • medical equipment
  • biomedical engineering
  • bioinformatics

Publication form: Journal (scientific and practical periodical)
Address and details of the editorial office: Off. 104., bld. 1, 18 Borovaya st., Moscow 111020, Russia
Peer Review: Double Blind Peer Review
Frequency: 4 issues per year


  • Free access to the electronic full-text version
  • Mailing according to the mandatory list of the printed version
  • Subscription to the printed version

Language: Russian (abstracts in Russian and English)

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